On Sun, May 16, 2010 at 6:15 PM, nishandh M <pro.n...@gmail.com> wrote:
> "Why differential emphasis of text?" :  (these are known facts, but needs to
> be elaborated, owing to the solid NO-RTF/HTML cry in the posts):
> When we make a post considering an extended range of readers,(from the busy
> contributors to --especially-- the newbie user) , we may have to expand a
> lot. A long post is not preferred in Mailing List, and giving some emphasis
> to relevant part of it makes it easier for the busy men.
> Ways to asssert emphasis to parts of text:
> make Bold, Italics, connect with underscore, alter colour, give highlight
> etc
> Part of these methods add additional 'text tags' or non readable 'format
> data' to the paragraph. [a paragraph in terms of text renderers is a string
> of letters, which continues until we press 'enter' key.A new paragraph is
> born when 'enter' is pressed. Here the paragraph is different from its
> conventional literary sense.'Shift+Enter' is the right way to make a
> literary paragraph]

Not sure where you learned this, but in most software pressing Enter
starts a new paragraph, whereas Shift-Enter simply starts a new line.
For e.g., OOo 3.1.1 has that behaviour. If you turn on "Non-printing
characters" in the View menu, you can easily see the Pilcrow at the
end of paragraphs and a Line Feed character at the end of forced line

> Now if some people want to use Stone age software to read the communications
> which exploits possibility of 21st century protocols and compliant
> softwares, it absolutely OK for them to. [i havent had a single drop of 21st
> century allopathic medicine in my blood stream for some 6 years] Everybody
> has the right to adopt their ways and declare it, but no right to force it.

You have been given some options to do this. You could for e.g., write
a blog post with all the formatting you want, and post a link here to
the list. Or you can exploit "21st century" or in fact 20th century
protocols, and include multipart email messages, with a plain text
version, an RTF version and an HTML version.

As far as you not using modern medical technology, well, you are
endangering yourself and in some ways, endangering the rest of society
as well. But you are free to damage your fellow man in any way you

> --------------------------------
> Consolidation regarding RTF-HTML / Plain text usage:
> Do not use any formating which adds additional characters to the original
> text, which gets displayed in the less-able software systems.
> As far as I know, BOLD and ITALIC adds no additional visible characters in
> such scenarios. These can be used in a positive way. As it consumes time and
> effort to differentiate parts of text, it would be recommended only at
> special circumsatnces.
> Like the following: the posts are very long, but cutting it short
> compromises readability of non-expert user .

Not sure what you're trying to accomplish here. If it was to establish
your identity, then hey, you've done it. Now, we all know who
"nishandh" is and how much he has contributed to making this a sane
mailing list, especially his contributions in formalizing something
we've all known for years.

Thank You!

Rajeev J Sebastian

"Freedom is the only law". 
"Freedom Unplugged"

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