This certainly is a very nice start. :)

However, I would like to bring to your attention a few things. I
thought I'll mention a few interesting things I came to know over time
about 3 projects, each different in terms of scale, genre and method.

#1 Project Durian - Sintel -

We all know that this movie is called an open movie, done in free
software and all.  Yes, it definitely is free and open source,
allowing you to examine every aspect of the  raw movie files, having
discussions with the filmmakers, seeing every stage of the
developements etc etc. However, what people don't really know is
(mainly people who  don't follow its progress from start to finish)
the projects so far hosted by the  Blender Institute, has a certain
amount of closeness to it. Firstly, the story. A small team of
talented  blenderheads are selected and brought together (here, the
Blender Institute @  Amsterdam), and they are given roughly a period
of 7-9 months to make a short film.  They have powerful setups and
resources given to them (PCs with dual monitors, powerful  processors
and cards, drawing tablets, great working atmosphere and space etc).
The  people work on it in a 9-5 basis (like any regular studio), most
of the time overflowing  that period. The artists and technicians are
also paid well for working on it. It is  estimated that a total of
$550,000 has been spent on Sintel (yes, more than half a million
dollars). This amount excludes the  computer setups, space and
existing resources. It was mainly used to fund the artists, their
accomodation, dining, then the dvds, publicity and  other necessary
requirements. Sintel was much more expensive than the previous
projects  due to the complexity and variance, and the team was doubled
by half midway through the project because it could not be completed
on time with the exisiting number of  people. Be aware, even though
most of the artists were generalists, they were given more specific
tasks appropriate the title assigned to them (animator, modeller,
compositor etc). It was flexible though. But in some cases, things
simply couldn't be finished in time, and they've taken help from the
Blender community quite a few times (as in the Modelling Sprint
( and the
Animation Sprint (

It is worth noting that they also had their own renderfarm that was
really powerful. I'm not going into the specs now, a previous post of
mine describes it I think.

I'm once again stressing the importance of watching the Sintel Making-
Of documentary. It really shows how much even those super-talented
artists and technicians struggled throughout the production.

#2 Project London -

I've been following this since the last 2 years or so, and I must say,
its one of the most exciting things happening within the indie movie-
making community. This feature length project combines live camera-
shot action with digital special effects. Although the Project is not
entirely done using FOSS (packages like Adobe After Effects, Premier
etc are being used) it uses Blender for its 3D elements (like the sci-
fi characters, enviroments, effects). But this project relies on the
community to move on, but still has a closed operation to it, for
example the cast, lead director, producers etc. Mostly the assets
(like sounds, models and graphics) are what that is created by the
community, while the rest is managed inhouse. The film claims to be a
0 budget movie, but ofcourse, expenses have to be met on things like
travelling, shooting, equipments. Maybe its the fact that they don't
pay the people who work on it. Its been in production for nearly 3

The effects are 3d elements are really spectacular (watch the
'Multiply' teaser @ I'm
really looking forward to see the end of it, and its quite close.

#3 Ninja Postal Services -

Blenderartists Thread

This is one of the few completely open projects that has actually
started to move! (after weeks and weeks of discussions and debates
regarding the feasibility; I lost the link to the original forum
thread, but a simple Blenderartists search should bring it up) A
really interesting take on a completely community based project (even
the story is open), in which anyone can contribute to the project
without worrying about deadlines and commitment, and at their leisure,
but in the given time slots. Though this may not be a short film and
never a fully fledged movie (its slightly below 2 mins), its actually
a field test to see whether total community based movies are actually
possible, and most of all, its an experiment to test-drive a different
and easier mechanism of collaboration. Though I'm quite skeptical
about how things will turn out with this venture, maybe, this is
something that only time can tell.

Looking at all your replies in this thread, I think what you people
intend this project to be is pretty much like the last one I mentioned
(Ninja Postal Services). I apologize for the lack of info there maybe,
I wrote this as fast as possible getting the necessary data during
break. I will be busy for most of this week too, because apart from my
work, I've also taken up some freelance works at the moment, so I'm
totally bogged down.

"Freedom is the only law". 
"Freedom Unplugged"

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