>>Folks, we are still on this project. Today I was thinking about
>>advocating this project as a people's effort to produce a movie by
>>involving common people in movie making.

While it is generally a really nice idea, I think it will lead to
chaos. Or maybe my vision of an organized movie making procedure may
be too closed, albeit I'm positive it will only lead to good results.
Not being rude, but personally, I'm not so interested in going for a
movie just for the sake of it. Just my opinion.

>>Personally, I see
>>the effort of producing a movie in way we want movies to be produced
>>is more motivating than the movie itself.

Maybe it is, but I don't think such a venture will reach far. I may be
wrong though. Although I'm no fan of how movies are made in Hollywood,
I think schedules and keeping to the requirements may only do good to
a project like this.

>>gave up so quickly....!

If you look at this thread as a whole, I didn't see much of any real
contribution, or any progress at all, with time. I've been looking at
the management side too, like creating a wiki and all, but its beyond
my knowledge, and no one has volunteered to make one (I prefer being
an artist instead of being a jack-of-all-trades). In scenarios like
this, I think things should move fast else the project will die real

However, I will still be following this thread. I'll try to help you
people with what I know of, wherever possible. My project is a little
too ambitious, so I may not want to keep it aside until I'm quite sure
there's some substance here.

"Freedom is the only law". 
"Freedom Unplugged"

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