
1.  Compilation of technical persons ( almost all available information)
2.  Making the list available to public
3.  Online magazine
4.  Keeping service history [ Each technical service is a story -
documenting the same will be useful for others ]
5.  A lab setup and common working place [ for research work]
6.  Effective communication to public organizations - especially schools,
parallelel colleges, net cafes etc

On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 10:26 PM, Abhishek Mathur <>wrote:

> Providing tech support is a great idea. Why not we ask for volunteer
> technical persons and compile a list according to the location so that
> people needing help can get it from there nearest available technician.
> We can make this list accessible to public and may be we can provide an
> interface  for them to make there search easier. And if we may put little
> effort, then we can also start a free online magazine to promote open source
> and allied technologies to open them to common users and to crack common
> myths regarding linux and open source. Thoughts should be put together to
> make a layman a happy linux user. We can collect experiences of happy linux
> users and present them to people for their motivation.
> Regards,
> Abhishek
> On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 7:27 PM, sunil s <> wrote:
>> Though all computer users require linux, everybody (without having
>> technical knowledge) is misguided by technicians (as they have little or no
>> knowledge about OS and linux), that Linux cannot be installed on all
>> machines and it is hard to operate on linux and softwared on linux are of
>> low quality.
>> For the promotion of Open source and allied technologies, it is a must to
>> increase the users of linux . But, as there is practically not any credible
>> service providers/technicians [ I have a lot of experience of such
>> incidents], people are baised towards closed technologies( they are ready to
>> adopt pirated softwares even after knowing the risk beyond it).
>> It is a fact that there is scarcity of skilled persons for services ( or
>> they are not readly available to public, or people don't know who are those
>> persons). For example setting up LTSP or configuring 3G usb datanetwork etc.
>> The persons who are well versed with these skills are not available to the
>> public and/or people doesn't know them.
>> I think it would be a good idea for setting up a panel of technicians in
>> each field for example installation specialist, modem specialist ltsp
>> specialist etc. These specialists should be well versed with that particular
>> area and should be able to solve any problem regarding that area (because
>> nothing is impossible in linux prespective).
>> Also there should be wide publicity regarding the availabilty of such
>> service so that people can contact the panel for the solution. As it
>> requires money for at least for the raw requirements, service charge can be
>> imposed on such services.
>> If anybody like the idea I shall further elaborate the points.
>> On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 2:12 AM, jeevanism <> wrote:
>>> On 08/04/2011 12:27 PM, vineeth kartha wrote:
>>>> How abt organizing a workshop or something like tat
>>>> On Aug 3, 10:45 pm, jeevanism<>  wrote:
>>>>> On 07/31/2011 09:39 PM, Anish A wrote:
>>>>>  2011/7/31 Arun 
>>>>> M<<mailto:a...@**<>
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>     Hi,
>>>>>>      What abt meeting up some time and plan some programs.
>>>>>>     regards
>>>>>> It is a long time since last meet. It is a nice idea to meet again.
>>>>>> How about our usual timing?
>>>>>> Next second saturday?
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Anish A
>>>>>> *സ്വാതന്ത്ര്യം തന്നെയമൃതം സ്വാതന്ത്ര്യം തന്നെ ജീവിതം
>>>>>> പാരതന്ത്ര്യം മാനികള്‍ക്ക് മൃതിയെക്കാള്‍ ഭയാനകം
>>>>>> *- മഹാകവി കുമാരനാശാന്‍
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> "Freedom is the only law".
>>>>>> "Freedom Unplugged"
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>>>>> I am in game.. what all other members have to talk about this?? please
>>>>> respond.
>>>> thats a good idea, we can make a workshop to exhibit how  open source
>>> can be useful in daily use.
>>> --
>>> "Freedom is the only law". "Freedom Unplugged"
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>>> ilug-tvm-unsubscribe@**<>
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>>> group/ilug-tvm?hl=en <>
>>  --
>> "Freedom is the only law".
>> "Freedom Unplugged"
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> --
> There is a method to my madness.. :)
> La ciencia es la poesía de la realidad [Science is the poetry of the
> reality]
> Carol Maxwell: "What makes you think you can discover anything? Who are
> you?
> Allan Maxwell: "Nobody. Nobody at all. But the secrets of the universe
> don't mind. They reveal themselves to nobodies who care."
> -- The Outer Limits: "The Galaxy Being"
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> GAT dpu s+:- a- c++++ P+ L+++ E+ W+++ w--- t+ 5+ X++ tv b++ G++ e+++   |
> h-->h+ r y? >H++++ |
> ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
>  --
> "Freedom is the only law".
> "Freedom Unplugged"
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"Freedom Unplugged"

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