certainly, both google and facebook can/should certainly improve their privacy 
policies and security features.

>>>>All these are community built sites --- without the large community of
users they would be nothing. This even applies to gmail.

they have the numbers. that puts them right where they want. they can dictate 
now. As long as we don't have the numbers, what we say is only a ideology. 
there isn't much we can do about it. 

>>>>The basic issue is that of controlling your own data in unequal
>>>>So it is wrong to think (as many people do) that they are providing a
"free" service. Their service is built out of the large number of people
who have invested their time and data into it.

What are we going to do about? what do you propose?

>>>>However, it _is_ an unequal relationship. As soon as you loose
connectivity to the service, they have your data and you have ...
nothing! That is, unless you regularly backup all _your_ data from
gmail to a local disk.

That doesn't sound very healthy for anyone.  I don't think it would be a good 
move from google's side. if google screws everyone, everyone screws google.  
but i don't know how business can work and it may turn in their favor. 

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