
On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 8:17 AM, Pranesh Srinivasan <spranesh at gmail.com> 

>>>>>I kind of disagree with that statement. I do not wish to flare your
>>temper, or start a flame war, but there is a lot that goes into what
you learn, and how you are brought up. I started using Linux only a
couple of years ago, and now I must say I am pretty comfortable. The
problem with most kids these days is that the first computer they see
has Win installed. They get used to it, and settle down, often for
several years. (10+ in my case). Now, when they face an environment
like Gnome, they are thrown off their comfort zone - there is no
"start bar", no "Control Panel", etc..

You are a tech. user. A fair experiment would be to pick a sample of non-tech 
users and introduce them to both linux and windows and see what they prefer to 
use. You have a valid point. People are/were brought up using windows. it is 
going to be difficult to break the vicious circle, though not impossible.

>>>The point I am trying to make here is the way kids are brought up. If
you show them a Linux System say with Gnome, and tell them this is
what a computer is - what they have at school are computers too, but
different ones, they learn to get used to the idea of mutiple Desktop

Yes, the difficulty here is choice :-) they also have windows to choose from.

>>It is purely a matter of convenience.

which is very important. if companies can train their staff to use windows 5 
days to teach task x and 7 days to teach the same thing , what do we expect 
them to use? clearly more days spent is more money spent on training.

As for monopoly, it is some times good and some times bad. had it not been for 
Windows 95 it would have been very hard for computers to reach the vast 
majority of present users. the internet would have grown slower, software 
development would not have picked up the current rate. look at the number of 
copies windows 95 sold. look at the number of copies they are still selling. 
they have these numbers because they have takers.

Now, since there are enough players, is it time for the monopoly to end? :-)


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