On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 11:46 PM, Saripalli Siva Prakash venkata phani
> Hey,
> you are not getting me. Even i agree that monopoly is bad.
> Microsoft had monopoly over OS market. Then linux and Vista ( :) ) came
> around.
> My point is people will use whatever they like. You cannot change their
> views by saying, "Monopoly is bad".

Right, I agree on this one. Am not even sure how ethical it is to go
about telling somebody to not use some service in order to discourage

Personally I prefer to discourage monopolies. (And so I adamantly
stuck to my jabber account when everybody started using gmail. I found
out the hard way that people were trying to send me emails to my
jabber account. So well, I shifted to Gmail. If you can't teach them,
join them.)

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