On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 9:04 AM, Mano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 8:50 AM, Kenneth Gonsalves
> > given that the cost of running one's own mail server is so low, I dont see
> > why people bow to the big G
> >
> What if the low cost host is snooping on my mails! Or he/she does not
> have the resources (financial, technical etc) to keep the Russian
> mafia from sniffing my mails.
> When it comes to reliability, security etc I would choose Google over
> low cost service providers. Of all the internet businesses Google
> knows well that arm twisting users to make a quick buck is bad
> strategy.

Agreed. Infact, one of the reasons why I turned to Google's hosted
account. No matter where I host, I would never get the advantage of
carrying my mails all over the world without the need for my own PC /
laptop to be around. Secondly, I won't have to pay for the storage of
my mails (which is currently at 3Gigs).

Of course, there is the risk of google hosted account going paid.
Don't see it happening yet. They need my user-behaviour data to
improve their ad system, no? ;)


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