/** My observation/comments are specific to smaller and local activities.
Case in point, the FOSS related conferences I have attended.  Only
handful of volunteers come forward to organize, execute, and manage the
events.  Invariably, I have seen the same few faces (of the dedicated
individuals) working their a** off.

Its not only volunteering.  However, the management of volunteers.  If there
is a pool of 10 to 20 volunteers, and if there is no one to manage it, then
it will disappear..

Debian is one example of volunteer base..  but there is a core team which
manages all..

similarly, wordpress, and other popular open source softwares are well
managed by core team.

If we could form a core team to define a clear objective manage the
volunteers, we can bring about a change.

Expecting everything to happen out of itself may not be practical..

Just my few cents

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