Rahul Sundaram wrote:
The merit of implementing this social norm using a technical
barrier is of course debatable.


Uh, I know we are deviating from the topic, but why would that be debatable? DVCS aren't made just for making gatekeeping easier; they are made so that maintaining distributed code bases easier. Especially for open source projects, this makes a lot of sense.

If you look at GitHub, they take it to a whole new level - where 'forking' a project is not much of an issue - it's completely acceptable - you just fork it into your account, work on the branch and commit it to your own repo, and ask the main project maintainer to 'pull' whenever your changes are ready to be integrated into the main project. In this way, you don't have to offend anybody that you forked a project, or worry that you have so much uncommitted changes lying around, and not bother the original project maintainer until your changes are fully tested and ready.

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