
> I planned to do all the following syllabus projects using " Ruby On Rails
> ".
> But my Staffs are not supporting to do this semester projects in other
> Languages.
> They preferred only  " VB and ORACLE" , because they know that only.
> Even though I was fighted with them and finally, they said OK to do in RoR.

It doesn't matter what you do? its all matters How you do? for example let
us assume in mere future ROR or any other technology could be replaced by
some thing else. So what we do? we upgrade our self to the next level to
sustain  in the job market [1].

I personally feel technology/tool/language  is not important on the other
hand learn the art of programming [2] you can sustain for ever.

And also I have personal request don't reveal the college or organization
name in the public list until unless their is no other go.

Enjoy programming, take care.

[1]  survival of the  fittest
[2] programming concepts or programming logic is very vital vitamins,
languages could keep changing but but not the programming concepts.
Ravi Jaya

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