A lot of free advice. Like it or lump it.

On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 3:56 PM, rajkumar vbalakrishnasamy
<rajkumar.l...@gmail.com> wrote:
>        I did my engineering in Dr.Mahalingam college of Engineering and
> Technology,Coimbatore with 65% of aggregate and just now finished the Anna
> university exams and waiting for results.And Dr.Mahalingam college had a
> good placement this year but i was not placed in any company.

Already you know how to quote properly and you don't do top posting.
Great start. ;)

My academic credentials were similar. I got around 66% and I studied ECE.

But I studied a very long time ago.

>     First of all i have lot of confusions regarding Ph.d.So i decided to
> join a company first.

Good idea. I will second that.

>      Nothing related to PHP and Cloud Computing.I recently attended a cloud
> computing workshop @ PSG Tech,Coimbatore and National Free Software
> Conference 2010 [Amazon Cloud Computing Workshop] by National Free Software
> Movement Karnataka.So i got interest in cloud computing and have an idea to
> do research in future.

I do lot of research solving real life problems day in day out. Some
of the networking
problems I solve are world class. No academic environment can give you that.

Industry is better. More seriousness, more dividends and you tend to meet better
 people there.

But there is no rule.

Unless you do research from Stanford or MIT or Berkeley you may not
get the right
exposure I think.

But these days a lot of innovation, creativity and research happens in
the open source
world. Not in any of the top univs.

The bazaar proved a success leaving the temples of education behind.

I am from a good college but I am no IITian.

>      PHP is fun and easy to learn that's all nothing else.Previously i have
> done projects using Python , Java , Jsp in academic level.I just preferred
> because it it the current tr

I will reserve my comments about PHP.

>>What is your goal in life?
>       I have interest in doing Research so only i decided to do  Ph.D where
> cloud computing as Main research area but not now because  i changed my
> mindset to join a job first.

Good idea.

>     And my area of interest is Web designing and i have designed lot of
> websites for my college symposium ,cultural and other fests.And i have
> participated in various paper presentations. And i also IBM The Great Mind
> Challenge contest two times.So i know Web services  concepts too which is a
> base for cloud computing.

One gets a lot of great ideas but any great idea be it a product idea
or whatever
else you are talking about needs a lot of time and whetting out to attain

Most of our ideas appear great ab initio but turn out to be disasters later.

It is very likely that your current focus areas are totally off the mark.

Over time you will learn that an idea has to possess your being to quote Swami

"It should enter every pore of the body, become your nerve, blood vessels and
pulsate in every tissue."

Sorry if I misquote this great saint.

That is the idea. Unless you have such a strong resolve success is very hard.

I had a burning desire to start a company in 2000. Even now I have not

Your goal is not so big but still you need to know how strongly the idea has
entered your system.

You should not change your mind even if the entire world is against you. Most
people cannot even survive a storm. ;)

>      I am at this stage only having lot of confusions to set my goal
> towards career and settle in a job or do higher studies.

I disagree.

I had two years of experience working in the best company in India at that time.

I had got into it through campus.

You don't have such credentials yet. Your thinking right now cannot
give you right
answers as you don't have exposure/experience yet.

So first do the best in your circumstances and take up a job in the
favorite area, say

That is important.

Lot of boys I meet don't know which area to embrace. One should know
that clearly.

Take my case. I have stuck to UNIX for the past 14 years and still going strong.

In your situation you have that choice. There are companies working on
every domain
 you can imagine in Chennai and Bangalore.

But no company can give you a career. They can only give you a job.

You have to build a career over 10 years.

Best of luck and May God shower you with blessings!

Your brother,
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