Rahul Sundaram wrote:
End users
don't care about Linux or Windows or whatever.  That is a implementation
detail that people with a fascination for technology talk attach
themselves to and that is always going be a very tiny minority. Consumers care about specific products if it makes a difference in their lives. People care about their iPod's because it plays their music. They don't care the operating system it runs or the format of the music.

While that is also true, most end users are not dumb either, so if we can sell them the concept of Linux in a simple manner, they will understand it. People don't exactly know what "Intel Inside" means, but they know it stands for a proven piece of technology that runs their PCs.

If we can convey to people that Linux is free, open and secure and why they should care about it in a simple manner, I think even end-users respond to that. It's quite similar to why some people pay more to get greener cars: if they know the benefit, they'll go the extra mile. But I agree with your larger point though - if somebody is going to have to pay for educating consumers on a massive scale, a commercial entity that aligns with those interests is one of the more viable options.

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