On Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 9:46 AM, Vamsee Kanakala <vkanak...@gmail.com> wrote:

> While that is also true, most end users are not dumb either, so if we can
> sell them the concept of Linux in a simple manner, they will understand it.
> People don't exactly know what "Intel Inside" means, but they know it stands
> for a proven piece of technology that runs their PCs.
> If we can convey to people that Linux is free, open and secure and why they
> should care about it in a simple manner, I think even end-users respond to
> that. It's quite similar to why some people pay more to get greener cars: if
> they know the benefit, they'll go the extra mile. But I agree with your
> larger point though - if somebody is going to have to pay for educating
> consumers on a massive scale, a commercial entity that aligns with those
> interests is one of the more viable options.

Quiet true. I have been able to tell people regarding Linux and its single
biggest merit when compared with Windows - 'security'. Even the n00bs
understand the relative non-virus nature of Linux.

Also, along similar lines, i was able to get a client of mine to convert to
Linux(webfaction) from Windows(hostgator). He understood the licensing part
the low cost associated with running of the servers and its maintenance.

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