2010/6/23 ThiaguWinID <thiaguwi...@gmail.com>

> It is not a good news
> I learnt computer science , c , c++ programming only because of easy user
> interface Microsoft OS.
> MS will not die. [ should not ]
> Ethically , it is not advisable to scrap a major company in any field.
> Because of MS products, you and me are able to communicate.
We need not be so magnanimous towards a company which caused so much harm to
the human progress by its illegal business practices in IT field.

All closed source software might not be evil. But this is one company whose
demise (which I do not think is imminent) would do a world of good to the IT
industry as a whole.

Just recall what happened with SCO's lawsuit against Linux companies? How
eager the same Microsoft was to fund and encourage that attempt! Without the
vigilance and efforts of open source community they would have been happy to
stifle Linux and associated open source software.

In an eco system, different type of entities should thrive. But some are
evil and actively damage everyone else. They should go.

It would be a good thing if Microsoft goes out of business taking with them
all their business practices.

That is my opinion.

Ma Sivakumar
எல்லோரும் எல்லாமும் பெற வேண்டும்

> Thiagu
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