>> No body is  compel you to do so. You only compelling all the ilugc people

This is not factually true.  Please think about your statement.

> to read your Tamil mail.  What we are saying is, this not right place for
> your Tamil business.   Start a new group(Linux Tamil User Group) do your
> good Tamil activities.  Otherwise ILUGC will die.

I think it is important to understand the necessity for localisation.
The APDIP had published some documents in this regard
http://www.apdip.net/news/foss-guide-to-localization  In short,
1. it is to encourage local language computing.
2. local language computing ensures that non-English speaking people
are empowered.
To get the statistics, of the 66% literate population in India only 5%
can communicate in English.

You then have more technology oriented business transactions in the
local language.  This then creates a strong local economy.  This means
that if Wall Street and other corresponding streets crash we are still
secure from the tidal wave.

That should be your biggest motivation to support l10n.

AFAIK the mails are now being tagged so one has the freedom to
identify and do the needful as per ones interests.  So why should
ILUGC die?  It is in fact going to become more popular.

Fracturing a group is not a solution.  Forking in a FOSS project is
adopted as a worst case scenario.
I appreciate the spirit of healthy discussion in this group.

I hope that you will live and let live.
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