On Sat, 2010-12-18 at 09:58 +0530, Arun Kumar wrote:
> > I am using it for around a month or so, it is really awesome do
> check it, if
> > you care about privacy and Freedom.
> Can you elaborate what you mean when you say "more privacy"? How do
> you say duckduckgo is ensuring that?

have you checked it out?
> As a separate note, I believe we are here to keep things to move
> forward in F/OSS spectrum and not always slamming or running campaign
> against others though it required at times. 

this particular debate is fueled by the need to keep a platform neutral
and product neutral atmosphere in the group. In India we have a habit of
going for the 'most popular'. For example a car mechanic will refer to
the starter as a 'Delco'. It is not a Delco - delco was a popular brand
of starter which had a monopoly at one time. Similarly people do not say
'web browser' - they say IE or firefox. And they do not talk of search
engines - they say 'google'.

> Also refrain using psuedo
> product names like M$ etc. It just shows folks are more interested on
> less positives :) 

I feel the word M$ accurately reflects the aims and methods of that
particular company.
Coimbatore LUG rox

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