On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 5:49 PM, Swapnil <swapnil.bhart...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If you start using GIMP, stop using Photoshop there will be a slew of
> designers expert in GIMP, since they ONLY use GIMP, they will demand
> features and will be added.

I beg to differ. Its good to hear. But nothing here. :(. There are
forces acting against you.

1. Software patents used in PS. A *lot* of features of PS, which the
pros like are patented. - That is a separate fight altogether. (Use a
separate thread if someone wants to discuss this, please).

2. The Gimp code framework, in its original form couldn't support many
features (32 bits, lossless processing, CMYK to name a few). Hence,
they are currently trying to revamp the code and bring in a new GEGL
framework that will form the base for a refreshingly new code base,
that is faster, cleaner and expandable. Gimp 3.0 where are you?

3. Third party plugins. This is where you and I should contribute.
There are hundreds and thousands of plugins available for PS, which
make the life of a studio guy/ doctor/ anyone else easy. PS has a
separate version for Radiologists(!). It has a well integrated image
management solution as well.  There are a lot more, that I don't know.

AFAIK, we have a pretty long way to go before we can say we are
serious competitors. as of now, we are competing in a place where PS
is way tooooo good, and Gimp is (still) just a new kid in the block.

If you are really serious about what you said in your email, be the
example. Study DSP and Fourier transforms, and start writing code, and
not just heated words.

with regards,
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