On Thu, 2011-03-17 at 23:48 +0530, Raja Subramanian wrote:
> On most servers designed for virtualization, the cost of RAM is often
> 50% of the entire hardware cost.  Therefore hypervisors employ plenty
> of techniques to use RAM efficiently, and you may be observing the
> effects of some of these features on your VM.
> VMWare ESX memory management details:
> http://www.vmware.com/resources/techresources/10129

Thanks for the info, Raja. I suspected this might be the case and just
wanted to eliminate the possibility that there was something wrong with
my virtual machine or with the OS running in it. I'm fairly certain that
this is normal behaviour though, now.

That link of yours is very informative. It would seem that 'Section 3.3
Ballooning' could induce the behaviour I saw but I haven't read it
carefully yet.

Roshan George

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