Dear Mr. Senthil,

Have we ever done (better) - when we are forced to do something with.

Linux - have evolved (I feel) - not because of somebody forced us to
use with ...
- it was more of people wanting to do more, which they are not able to
(or with more difficulty) some thing ...

The scene in the mobile platform - where Nokia was giving only symbian
(earlier), was not able to pull-off for more time.  People buy Andoid
phones because they can do more with it.... how many are knowing about
android now (the users who are using it) Android - Linux connection.
Nokia is not able to sell even though microsoft WindowsPhone is being
packed along with Nokia - now a days - on high-end phones.

"When the Student is ready .... The teacher appears" - an old and
perennially truthfull statement.

Instead of making this a complex issue, it would fetch excellent &
fruitfull results in the long run.  That is what is prompting Ubuntu
and all others giving this excellent OS free of cost, and making more
efforts to reach people.

Our concentration should be to reach more & more people, instead of
cramming something on their throat. Even if you install linux on the
laptop, it is not sure that they will use Linux instead of Microsoft

These students - who are getting educated in colleges / schools - are
not dumb, but are made to join the crowd, and at this point of time,
it is Microsoft Windows 7, and later 8, etc.

If they perceive that Linux is 100 % rewarding for them in the long
run .... they would certainly go for it.

How many of us are really helping new people to get solutions in this
forum without they getting hurt (no, I am not going to start a war),
for their problems.  It is still being perceived even by computer
users who are more than 10 years of usage, feels that Linux is
difficult, and 'getting help is very difficult'.  It is this perceived
thing that should be taken care off.

To make this Linux more interesting, we should organise for people to
get trained : Freely of course, Languages like C, etc, and every month
simple competitions should be organised in localities, and taking them
into State Level (Imagine IPL's Success).

Organising a competition - say for 20 people, in basics, database,
GIMP, etc should not be difficult - say after 3 months of coaching.  A
person who is 12 to 18 year old feel much satisfied with a certificate
from a body like ILUGC, etc. The competition can be every 2 months, in
each place.  This will make people / students / parents to encourage
people to even think about Linux.

we can always find sponsors for these sort of events - in every place.
I am trying to do something in mumbai, very shortly.

My simple 2 paise (which now has no meaning / worth)

with warm regards
98200 10728
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