On Fri, Sep 9, 2011 at 5:43 PM, Usha Subramanian
<usha.subramania...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi anyone could shed light on overcomming the following error:
> My php version is PHP 5.3.2 (cli)
> Warning: The magic method __isset() must have public visibility and cannot
> be static in
> /home/COMOCHENNAI/usha/projects/vinnies/application/libraries/Zend/Config.php
> on line 182 Warning: The magic method __unset() must have public visibility
> and cannot be static in
> /home/COMOCHENNAI/usha/projects/vinnies/application/libraries/Zend/Config.php
> on line 194
> Thanks.,
> Usha

In PHP 5, all overloading methods must be defined as *public* but PHP
versions prior to 5.3 didn't really make a fuss if you defined your
overloading method as *protected*. The Config.php file in the version
of Zend framework you are using, overloads __isset , __unset methods
but defines them as protected. Starting in PHP 5.3, the public scope
requirement for overloading methods is being enforced by throwing a
warning like the ones you are reporting. This issue is fixed in Zend
Framework version 1.6 (see
http://framework.zend.com/issues/browse/ZF-3417). If you don't want to
turn off those warnings (using error_reporting() or php.ini), you
should upgrade to the latest version of Zend framework compatible with
your application.

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