
On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 3:42 AM, Kumara Guru <> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 10:08 PM, Rajagopal Swaminathan
> <> wrote:
>> Don't touch (even think about) Fedora, Ubnutu etc. as a server
>> platform for new production apps.

I will just quote fragments of one of our esteemed members Shri
Senthil Nathan's response:

"If stakes are high or if it is mission critical then go for RHEL/CentOS."

Remember it takes roughly 18 months for an enterprise class
application to go online and accepted by corporate users (maybe less
in a slmaller organisations). I have deployed mission critical systems
in corporates with an _IT Department_ filled with PHB's who wants to
push their responsibility to vendors. In which case, It makes sense to
go with development using Centos which can then be cnverted into
RHEL/Oracle Linux of they want to buy 24/7 support from another

Education sector is _not_  mission critical (spare the whining of
faculties who love to reboot frequently and who assume God roles and
mostly without any industry exposure whatsoever). I have managed a
three node RHCS cluster in, an Institute for MMS(MBA) for
about 2 and 1/2 years.

Ubuntu/Mint for desktops: OK.

But for servers (especially located in remote data centers):
RHEL/Centos if you wand peace of mind and do not want to jump though
the hoops and loops of upgrade every now and then.

Your are free to make your choice.

Of course above IMHO, YMMV, E&OE etc. applies.


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