On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 8:26 AM, Shakthi Kannan <shakthim...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> --- On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 7:03 PM, Prasanna Venkadesh
> <prasmai...@gmail.com> wrote:
> | Here is our page that consists of the source code (
> | https://github.com/PrasannaVenkadesh/Whiz-Chat/downloads), and i
> request to
> | take a look at "README.txt & features.rdoc " file before running for
> first
> \--
> #1 If you decide to use features, you will want to integrate it with
> Cucumber [1]
> #2 You will need to use the copyright header notice as mentioned in
> the GNU website [2]
> #3 Avoid using system(). If you decide to use shell commands, you can
> enclose them within backticks, and return the result to a variable.

Can you please show me an example code for this statement alone?

>  It is good to check the status, always!
> #4 Follow Ruby coding guidelines, strictly. Fix your indentation.

We will rearrange the codes soon.

> #5 Write variables in full. @choice instead of @choic.

Will be done.

> #6 Ruby is also about being concise. You don't require the parenthesis
> in the if() statement.
>  if @choice == 'y'
> instead of
>  if(@choic == 'y')
> The same goes with function invocation: quit instead of quit().
> ---
> | Most of the linux users spends time either in Web-Browser or in Terminal,
> | and we were thinking how nice it would be if we are able to chat from
> | terminal itself instead of opening a Web-browser.
> \--
> Did you do some research on finding available chat clients that work
> from the terminal? If yes, how different are they from your
> implementation?
> Emacs has jabber support [3]. irssi has xmpp support [4] to talk to a
> Jabber network. There is also the option of using BitlBee [5] that can
> act as a gateway for multiple chat protocols. This allows you to use
> any console client of your choice.
> SK
> [1] Cucumber. http://cukes.info
> [2] GPL HOWTO. http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-howto.html
> [3] Emacs Jabber. http://emacs-jabber.sourceforge.net/
> [4] irssi-xmpp. http://cybione.org/~irssi-xmpp/
> [5] BitlBee. http://www.bitlbee.org/main.php/news.r.html
Thanks for spending time to do lot of research on this for us. And we will
follow the above mentioned guidelines. To say frankly we did not do any
homework or research on already available clients and now after seeing
those links we get some more idea.

Prasanna Venkadesh
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