On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 6:56 PM, Manokaran K <manoka...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Am looking for a small form factor device which I plan to install in
> clients premises and maintain through SSH over the internet. It should have
> 4GB RAM and 500GB HDD and a decent CPU.

You need to define "Decent CPU". For what? Will people compile code and/or
run CPU heavy applications?  Are they just workers using web applications
and simple desktop applications (such as libreoffice) most of the time?

> Has anyone here bought / assembled a mini ITX based system? Are the
> components available in Chennai?

I just went through the exercise of setting up a lab infrastructure built
up of 15 thin clients and a decent server setup. I assembled my rig afer
evaluating ready-made alternatives in the market. The reason I chose my rig
was primarily limited by budget and the need to be low on power consumption
just so I save myself from rising energy prices.

I documented my experience at ILUGC here:

1. Initial email asking for suggestions from the list:
2. What I chose (and why) and associated experience:

I did not end up with a mini-ITX "sized" cabinet but it was atleast thin
and allows me to keep it horizontal and the display on top of it. If you're
willing to invest a bit more, check out http://www.disklessworkstations.com/



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