On Sat, 2012-01-14 at 15:53 +0530, 0 wrote:
> > As for your analogy, if you want to know the number of people who
> travel
> > by train to go bird watching, it is foolish to watch the trains and
> try
> > to identify the 0.0001 percentage of the travelers who are going to
> > watch birds - it is far easier to go to the bird sanctuary and find
> out
> > the number of people there who commute by train.
> Well said. Although, I don't think there is one place where we can
> find 
> open source contributors. May be, what we need first is to compile a 
> list of reliable sources where one can find such contributors. 

this is the best place (and chennaipy and chennai ruby group). I will
start the ball rolling:

Jaganad H has made good contributions to NLP
Kumar Appaiah - debian
Yuvi Panda - OSM and python stuff
Shakthi Kannan - a one man army of myriad contributions
Girish - spam cheetah
Raman - he is in cpan
Srinivasan's brother (I forget his name) 

there are many more - will add them as and when I remember.
Kenneth Gonsalves

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