On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 7:59 PM, Balachandran Sivakumar
<benignb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>         We have been using Dokuwiki for our internal documentation.
> Now, we are moving to a new server and would want to migrate the data
> in the wiki. I am aware of a backup plug-in. But that doesn't let me
> restore the contents :). There is a round about way to untar-ing the
> backup in proper paths. But, what is the suggested way to take a dump
> and restore it on the new server? Thanks

Doesn't dokuwiki just consist of flat files? It should just involve
copying the data folder, whatever the correct name is, to the new
wiki. And then whatever else you want to copy over, everything should
be in the respective files.
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