Such things are not resolved over mails. We need a skype call and we should
 use remote debugging tools like teamviewer or vnc or ssh/tmux.

Anyway see below.

On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 12:56 PM, poomalairaj <> wrote:
> It seems my post didn't reach the mailing list. So I am reposting again.
>> What is reverse ssh? You mean remote port fwd?
> It is not exactly remote port fwd. It is binding remote ssh service in the
> local port. I mean using -R switch in ssh.

That is technically called remote port forwarding, if you wish to call
it reverse ssh,
 then go ahead.

> I tried both -X and -Y but I can feel that it is not logical because I am
> forwarding X over 3 machines. I will explain the problem clearly once again.
> Assume the following.
>  I have 3 machines.
> 1. protected pc - a pc behind firewall / NAT / router (so you can not
> directly connect to this machine on any port.) - user name is
> "poomalai_protected"


> 2. My desktop - In this machine I want to see the GUI apps / whole desktop
> environment of "protected pc". User name is "poomalai_desktop"
> 3. My webserver - A hosted machine with ssh access. I can forward or use
> any random port number in this machine. but I am not root in this machine.
> (User name is "poo")
> Here you could have correctly identified that "protected pc" is my N900
> Now, the problem is I want to access "protected pc" from my desktop. I use
> the following command on the protected pc
>            ssh -R 22222:localhost:22 poo@mywebserver
> Now the "protected pc" is logged in to my webserver and I run "top" command
> to keep the ssh session alive. and leave the machine logged in to my web
> server
> Now I go to "My Desktop" and connect to the webserver as usual
>            ssh poo@webserver
> Once logged in, I run the following
>            ssh poomalai_protected@protectedpc -p 22222
> Now I get the bash and I can run commands on protected pc. But I could not
> run any GUI apps.
> I usually use Xephyr to run any GUI app or the whole desktop session when I
> use straight ssh. That means I just use -X to connect to the machine I want
> to connect and set DISPLAY env variable to the port where Xephyr is running
> and GUI apps(like firefox, gedit etc) / the whole desktop session (if I use
> xfce4-session in ssh) will be displayed inside the Xephyr window.
> Now my question: Is there a way similar to this to forward X from my
> "protected pc" to "web server" to "my desktop"?
> I am open to use any program. You can suggest vnc or normal X forwarding or
> anything. The objective is to access "protected pc" somehow. Thats it.
> Please suggest opensource solutions alone. I am not interested in
> teamviewer or something similar.

teamviewer does not work on OpenBSD but it is incredible. Very bandwidth
efficient and quite at the level of open source quality and convenience.

> Can freenx be used to solve this problem? Any suggestions?
> And 0, I tried your solution
>  [N900]$ ssh -R 22222:localhost:22 poo@mywebserver
>> [Desktop]$ ssh -t -X poo@mywebserver "ssh -X user@localhost -p 22222"
> and got the following.
> Warning: No xauth data; using fake authentication data for X11 forwarding.
> ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
> Connection to closed

I don't think it is as complicated as you think.

But as I said, I am in the middle of too many things and e-mail is not
the way to
 go about this.

But I can assure you that this can be solved easily if you think through.

Best of luck.

Gayatri Hitech
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