[Response Inline]

> I am having doubts regading on linux admin..............
> 1.Is it possible,could i change my admin career to php,perl,python,ruby
> programmer?
> 2.Could anyone point out the importance of linux admin?
> 3.How would be the packages for linux admin when compared to the
> perl,python,php,ruby programmer?
> 4.if i had got 1 year experience as linux admin,what was  skills i should
> know?

In my experience, linux system administrators *are* expected to know 
scripting language especially perl and shell-scripting. So by learning 
perl/python/php/ruby, you are not changing your career but improving the 
existing one. So, go ahead and learn it today.

Being a linux system administrator has its advantages and disadvantages, 
like in any other career. I am guessing, you haven't got challenging 
work yet. I have a few friends who manage a few hundred machines across 
4-5 continents and go to sleep with their pager. You are really on the 
line of fire, if something goes wrong and company is losing revenue, you 
will be the first man on the scene. Then comes the 
management/developer/tester etc.

Trust me, starting out, few years is frustrating in any career. Hang in 
there and do your best, things will fall in place. In the meantime, keep 
learning something new, even if it can help you only a little.

PS: I am not a system administrator.

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