On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 9:19 AM, Prasanna Venkadesh <prasmai...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have 320gb hdd, and have separate partitions for /, /boot and /home.
> Using Fedora 16, I have created the /boot partition with size of 100mb
> initially thought, it would be enough to handle it. But the problem arose
> when I tried to update using yum update.
> It said /boot partition become full at the midst of the update and the
> update could not be completed. So now I have to resize the /boot partition.

>From the screen shot it appears you have a typical desktop setup.

/boot is supposed to contain files related to booting the system.
Therefore files that reside in it are are the linux kernel, initrd
ramdisk and grub files.

I fail to understand what do you have there to occupy 85MB!    My
/boot is about 32MB with the above files + extlinux boot loader as
well.   I have only kernel though.

Are you updating the kernel for your Fedora setup?  Otherwise, it has
no business complaining about disk space in /boot.

> I have got 200mb freespace and I wanted to merge it with /boot partition
> in-order to extend the size of the /boot.
> I wanted to know how to increase the size of /boot with the available 200mb
> free space.
> Screenshot link:- http://i.imgur.com/02Isu.png
> Note:- Using gparted and trying to resize the /boot doesn't show the extra
> 200mb freespace to extend.

Please look at your own screenshot.   The free space is @ the end of
the disk and *not* alongside your boot partition.  Filesystems
*cannot* span non contiguous space on the disk;  file systems on
logical volumes (LVM) being an exception.

On second looks @ the screen shot, where is the extended partition
that holds sda5 and sda6?   Going by the PC style (DOS) partitioning
scheme, one of the sda1, sda2, sda3, sda4 should be an "extended"
partition but your screenshot does *not* show it.

In gparted, the extended partition shows up with a light blue border,
containing the logical partitions within it.

For your benefit, I partitioned a 50G virtual disk in LKVM, to
illustrate what a traditional PC (DOS) partitioning looks like in

See the gparted screen shot of the 50GB virtual disk -

It shows sda4 as extended with logical partitions contained within and
the free space.

What tool did you use to partition the hard disk?

> Guide me, how can I achieve it.
> Do I need to delete the /boot and merge it with freespace and then create

>From the looks of your screen shot, it may not be feasible but then
again we do not know what utility you are using to manipulate the disk

> /boot again? If so, how to create /boot again?

Your best bet would be to merge /boot with /, change the grub settings
and update MBR.  I personally do not see any point for a separate
/boot partition for a desktop setup.

> I also googled but could not find simple explanation for it.

Sometimes the answer is in front of us but we cannot see it :)  It
happens to all of us.

-- Arun Khan
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