
As Mr.Mohan has suggested you can start with a shared hosting and later
think of a dedicated server.

Just look at the following:

No of seconds in a day                        : 86400
No of hits you are expecting                 : 1000
So no of hits per second                            :1000/86400 = 0.0115

Even if you consider 10000 hits per day (10 times more than what you have
written), no of hits/sec will be .115 hits

This will be nothing for a computer.

The only downside for this would be - you may not get what you want like
say a PostgreSQL DB in a shared hosting or something like that.

So, if you are trying  to spend almost what Hostgator Dedicated Server cost
is you can go for a VPS as there are lot many advantages with that, IMO.

Have a look at the following link : http://www.lowendbox.com/

I have tried this link and got a very good deal so you may also get it and
it will be cheaper than Linode. I have been using a VPS for my experiments
since last 5-6 months and I am happy with that. I got a deal for Rs.225/-
per month with Single Core with 1GB RAM and 50GB HDD.

Best of luck!


With Best Regards*

TSS Ravi Kumar
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