On Thursday 07 March 2013 11:11 PM, Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 7:13 PM, Karthikeyan A K <mindas...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I would like to arrange a competition of certificated ppl against the
>> ones I have picked. :-)) .
> And, what would that prove ?
That certification is Junk.
> Truly almost all IT industry certifications
>> are junk. 99.999% of it . Even most people having engineering degree are
>> junk. Perhaps we should rename certification program as justification
>> program. I myself thought a bunch of programmers in CTS for Java
>> certification and I knew it would produce junk. Just watched the
>> massacre of technology / love for knowledge right in front of my eyes.
> Let me clarify this line of thought you have proposed - "almost all IT
> industry certifications are junk". Wherein one can infer that there is
> a small slice of certifications which are not "junk". Could you point
> those out ? I'm certain that they'd be interesting in context of the
> article.
I haven't seen a non junk certificated candidate yet. But there should 
be some people who are worth to pay for the certification they have got. 
But I haven't seen one. That's a huge disappointment.
> Now, you follow that statement with "most people having engineering
> degree are junk". So, how do you validate who are not "junk" ?
They (computer engineers) should be able to understand and program 
computers. What else? Leave along building their own stuff.
>> But some corporations have circumvented this junkification
>> http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/opinion/columns/rasheeda-bhagat/decoding-zohos-success/article4379158.ece
> I am tempted to say "One swallow does not a summer make, nor one fine
> day; similarly one day or brief time of happiness does not make a
> person entirely happy." But then again, you do have the chance to
> posit Zoho as the black swan.
Don't get what you say. I am quiet weak in deciphering old English.
> --
> sankarshan mukhopadhyay
> <https://twitter.com/#!/sankarshan>

Karthikeyan A K

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