On Tue, Oct 8, 2013 at 7:35 PM, Shrinivasan T <tshriniva...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Linux from Scratch describes the process of creating your own Linux
> system from scratch from an already installed Linux distribution,
> using nothing but the source code of software that you need.
My entire knowledge of the "GNU" "Linux" System is thanks to LFS. It is
brilliant and is a must for any serious enthusiast. But the steep curve of
LFS is not worth for any casual user or traditional programmer. For the
people who are interested, do not miss this opportunity.

What makes this really exciting:

   - Compile every single package from source.
   - Bootstrap glibc and gcc to compile itself to use for compiling other
   - Setup the linux file system from scratch.
   - Compile even grub and install it in the MBR.

But I am not sure that the entire process can be covered in one session of
the meeting and targeting the next session 1 month later might be too long.
My suggestion would be to demonstrate and hand hold the initial process of
chroot'ing and setup of the environment required. The rest can be left as
an exercise and the mailing list is always there to ask questions.

Arun Venkataswamy

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