Pls. forgive me if it is top-posting or something else.

I always liked Srinivasan's openness to give out / share his knowledge, and
when he is willing to give / teach / train etc, fully, let us (atleast me)
take his full share (that would give more satisfaction to him, as we always
get the feeling - I am a sales person selling ABB products).

In a nut shell - let him decide the hours and the agenda - staggered or one
full shot - and like as any shishya, we will leave this to the guru.

If my point is wrong partially / fully - please forgive me.

I too am interested in knowing this LFS.

Thanks for this opportunity Srini,

with warm regards
s.sivakumar bharadhwaj
98848 7817

On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 12:43 PM, Arun Venkataswamy <>wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 8, 2013 at 7:35 PM, Shrinivasan T <
> >wrote:
> > Linux from Scratch describes the process of creating your own Linux
> > system from scratch from an already installed Linux distribution,
> > using nothing but the source code of software that you need.
> >
> >
> My entire knowledge of the "GNU" "Linux" System is thanks to LFS. It is
> brilliant and is a must for any serious enthusiast. But the steep curve of
> LFS is not worth for any casual user or traditional programmer. For the
> people who are interested, do not miss this opportunity.
> What makes this really exciting:
>    - Compile every single package from source.
>    - Bootstrap glibc and gcc to compile itself to use for compiling other
>    sources!
>    - Setup the linux file system from scratch.
>    - Compile even grub and install it in the MBR.
> But I am not sure that the entire process can be covered in one session of
> the meeting and targeting the next session 1 month later might be too long.
> My suggestion would be to demonstrate and hand hold the initial process of
> chroot'ing and setup of the environment required. The rest can be left as
> an exercise and the mailing list is always there to ask questions.
> Regards,
> Arun Venkataswamy
> "கற்றது கைமண் அளவு, கல்லாதது உலகளவு" - ஔவையார்
> Known is a drop, Unknown is an ocean
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