On 16/03/15 15:01, Vikas Tara wrote:
> On 16/03/15 04:08, Manokaran K wrote:
>> They work good for the application with no login or with HTTP
>>> authentication.
>>> But, our web applications have custom login form.
> You shouldn’t have problems with either webscarab or w3af, both of these
> AFAIK support
> you executing logins over http.
> webscarab or any http proxy will grab the relevant information for you -
> you can then manipulate those values in order
> to pen test your application.
> http://travisaltman.com/webscarab-tutorial-part-1-learning-the-basics/
> The proprietary tools make this step a bit more point and click, but
> essentially do the same thing.
Although this looks interesting and suggested it can perform dynamic scans

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