dear friend,
             i had the same problem. install lilo as
your boot manager. go to nvidia website. download the
driver  NVIDIA_nforcexxxx.rpm corresponding to red hat
7.2 or 7.3 something like & that. ur system should
start working. my hardware configuration was also
similar to u.
--- "Arshad H. Siddiqui"
> Hi folks
> recently I've upgraded my comp to-----------
> AMD Athlon 2000+
> MotherBoard- ASUS (A7N266-BM SC/WL-UAYZ)
> 256 MB DDR RAM
> AGP- Nvidia GeForce Mx2
> Sound- Nvidia Force Audio Codec
> I stll use my old Monitor SAMTEL on which I'd used
> Red Hat 7.2
> After upgradation whn I was tryin to install ----
> (1)Red Hat 8.0 in Graphical mode it says unable to
> probe monitor and goes for a blank screen.
> (2)Aftr installin RedHat 7.2 successfully at the
> time of startup it hangs at 
>        starting APD Dameon
> (3)I trid installng RedHat 8.0 in text mode,
> installation was successful, but after the GRUB
> screen following error msg coms up-----
> ________________
> Booting 'Red Hat Linux (2.4.8-14)'
> root(hd0,6)
> FileSusyem type is ext2fs,partition type 0x83
> Kernel /vmlinuz-2.4.18-14 ro root=LABEL=/
> [Linux-bzImage,setup=)x1400,size=)x10ea0d]
> Error 28:Selected item cannot fit into memory
> Press any key to continue.
> _________________
> aftr pressn key it gos bak 2 GRUB screen.
> Horribly I'd set partition type as ext3 ...why does
> it says FileSystem type is ext2fs.
> what does it mean by selected item cannot fit into
> memory?????
> Pl. dont tell me that I m havn prob with Swap
> partition coz I ve 256 MB RAM and my swap partion I
> d set as 512 MB. so I dont thnk its coz of SWAP
> partition.
> I want 2 install Red Hat 8.0 with Graphics and sound
> fully functioning... n tht would be a dream com true
> aftr so many hassls I d been facing since last one
> week...trying out all alternatives.
> Any help would be appreciated. 
> regards
> Arshad H. Siddiqui
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