On Jul 20, Robins Tharakan said :

Robin > 3~3:30: there was an ensuing "heated" debate about whether there should
Robin > be proprietary software in the ilugd general agenda. that discussion
Robin > went on primarily between alok and raj which was slightly supported by
Robin > Lingam and robins.

I believe that's another standard feature of ILUG-D meets now ;)

Robin > 4:45~: Poor Robins volunteered to take on the minutes baton from now on,
Robin > unless ofcourse he is absent for a meet (which shouldnt be a problem).
Robin > Others are requested to "continue" the minutes story now that it has
Robin > started.

Good work Robins ! At least you're better at writing minutes that Prateek 
or I ;) Keep up the good work, and i hope you attend all meets. At least 
we'll get to know whats happenin !

Robin > 4:50~: Kishore agreed with LinuxLingam that there should now be a good
Robin > drive towards the new users considering that there were a large number
Robin > of newbies joining every month. Therefore there was a concensus that a
Robin > theme would be selected by the fourth wednesday of every month and then
Robin > various levels of discussions could be taken up, especially for new
Robin > comers.

Not fair :( Just when I'm leaving the country, such developments *had* to 
take place :( DAMN!

Robin > p.s.5: would try to make the next meeting minutes much much smaller...

I'd say you mention the food/refreshments part too ;) Or *was* there food 
this time ?

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