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On Saturday 02 August 2003 16:06, you wrote:
> hi all,
> i am sending this here coz i cud not find a place to
> post it on ilug-d site & i REALLY wanted to share this
> with u all. read on & feast ur mind on this...
> “You look everything but you see only what you want to
> SEE.”
> Never really believed in this until I joined an
> organization a few days ago (39 days to be exact).
> This organization deals with research and
> implementation of free / open source software. The
> concept has been there for quite a few years now but
> never gave it a thought. A friend has been an active
> member of ILUG-D, Prateek Khanna, a few of u may know
> him ;o). He tried to explain the whole concept
> n-number of times but a dud brain like mine couldn’t
> grasp the idea. And yes, an idea can change your life.
> It did, once I tried to look in to the matters myself,
> seriously. I am working with one such firm that is in
> to promoting the idea (and at times, !dea ). Coming
> back to the quotation I started with, You see what you
> want to see… suddenly I see that there are so many
> magazines, journals, white papers all over the
> internet and in print media that serve the purpose of
> software freedom. The latest issues of PC Quest, Linux
> for you… you name any software magazine and its filled
> with articles that talk pro freedom of software. Guys
> like you are also doing a great job. My work is
> basically to “enlighten” people (yes, there are people
> in the real world who have no idea that there are
> softwares besides the ones provided by Microsoft). To
> distribute knowledge you need to have some yourself.
> So I log on to and search “free software”
> and get 2,480,000 in 0.11 seconds (this is just the
> list of articles and write ups), and a search result
> of 20,600 in 0.27 seconds for “Linux user groups”.
> PHEW! I was zapped. Free software is there for FREE. A
> normal human brain would call it free of cost. But a
> genius one like mine (contradicting my own statement
> of it being a dud) knows that it’s the idea that’s
> free. The concept of freedom of speech, freedom of
> thought, freedom to decide is same as this one. No
> strings attached. The best part is that we are not
> working against or with any one in particular. The
> general conception is, “Ok so you are into promoting
> Linux and you are condemning Microsoft?” No way, the
> theme here is to provide the user with the “freedom”,
> to let the programmer, the hacker inside you, free.
> So, let the white pigeon fly, cut the red ribbon,
> unveil the stone and enter a new era where all are
> benefited from the geek minds. As I would like to put
> it; Use – reuse, recycle!!!
> warm regards
> pd
> PS:- luv is the essence of everything beautiful.
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