On Thursday 04 September 2003 12:17 pm, you wrote:
> +++ Sandip Bhattacharya [04/09/03 11:52 +0530]:
> > +++ Kedar Dash [03/09/03 22:24 -0700]:
> > > Can you please send me some of the resource link to learn python.
> >
> > URL: http://www.python.org
> > Newsgroup: com.lang.python
> Typo: should be comp.lang.python

well, there's more to it.

you can download a complete free and freedom-based pdf book, which you may 
print, or read on-screen, that teaches you python. it is called 'Thinking in 
Python' written by a respected college professor. 

you can also download the complete documentation for python, a helpful 
tutorial, both in html and pdf, and these written by no less than the creator 
of python.

find all of these at python.org in the section documentation or support 
section ( i don't remember which one).

finally, to begin using python, you could use emacs or vim, though for the 
newbie i recommend idle, the integrated python editor. within this, you can 
find help, pop-up help on commands and syntax, and a whole lot of other 

of course, nothing beats a good, organic, zero-watts consumption, wood-paper 


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