Sumil Saxena <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi every one in delhi
> > 
> Sorry, I think you have the wrong group.  
> Sanjeev, not in Delhi, Gupta

well to be technically fair,
he is quite in the right group.
he said hi to everyone "in delhi" !! ;-)

its just that he could have been much more safer and written, 
"hi everyone!! " :)

welcome Sumil, but quite unlike this mail, previous mail by sanjeev and
yours earlier, generally the topic of discussion is substantive,
probably linux, and associated things... 

wander in this world, and do call in for help, someone would drop in a
line or two... surely.

but the mantra always to remember is 
"Try, Try, Try, 
and then try again".
If you are dead, then you wont need help,
if you are alive, you havent tried as much,
if you are flying, you are enjoying too much,
if you are shaving, you are bit clean too much,
if you are swimming, you are easing away too much,
in all other cases, we would try to help a genuine query.


On Fri, 2003-09-12 at 07:23, Sanjeev "Ghane" Gupta wrote:
> On Wednesday, September 10, 2003 1:53 PM [GMT+0800],

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