On Mon, 2003-09-15 at 01:26, linuxlingam wrote:

> more importantly, which release of that particular linux distribution
> (Redhat 8, PCQLinuxX.x, Knoppix 3.2, Debian Woody 3.0.0r, etc?)
> so what's the magic bash command or sequence of commands?
> have done my googling for this and thumbed through some handy reference
> books. no luck.
This suggestion was suggested by Neil Youngman of linux gazette.
His answer follows 
tsr2:~# cat /slackware/etc/slackware-version 
Slackware 9.0.0
tsr2:~# cat /libranet/etc/issue
      _     _ _                          _   
     | |   (_) |__  _ __ __ _ _ __   ___| |_ 
     | |   | | '_ \\| '__/ _` | '_ \\ / _ \\ __|
     | |___| | |_) | | | (_| | | | |  __/ |_ 
     |_____|_|_.__/|_|  \\__,_|_| |_|\\___|\\__|

Libranet GNU/Linux 2.0 \m \n \l

tsr2:~# cat /libranet/etc/motd 
Linux tsr2 2.4.18 #1 Mon Mar 18 01:28:42 UTC 2002 i686 unknown
Libranet GNU/Linux
tsr2:~# cat /debian/etc/debian_version 
tsr2:~# cat /debian/etc/issue          
Debian GNU/\s 3.0 \n \l
   / \__
  (    @\___    Raj Shekhar      
  /         O   http://geocities.com/lunatech3007/  
 /   (_____/      
/_____/   U       

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