dear all,

after a user successfully logs in to a kde desktop, i want the system to
automatically run a script, launch some applications, etc.

for this, a few days ago i tried customising rc.local, until i realized
rc.local does its stuff *before* startx.

then, i google-searched, and discovered i need to have a hidden script
file, .xinitrc in the home directory, which would do the trick. the file
did not exist, so i created it. i tried this, and it did not work either.

finally, i re-googled and discovered a hidden .xsession file needs to be
created in the home directory that handles this. well, that does not work

as a test, i am only asking the script to launch the konsole, so i know the
script is being initialised. i have tried both the 'konsole' command, as
well as the 'exec konsole' command.

meanwhile, thanks raj for the tip on xhost and xauth. just read through the
man pages of both commands.


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