dear all,

been waiting for some spare time on my hands to try out all the helpful
posts sent some of you past week, to solve the above problem stated in
the subject line.

[have had a rough week: ethernet hub short-circuited and died, loads of
other screwups on my machines and with gnulinux, while facing increased

anyways, the good news is that i spent some time calmly reading man
pages of several commands.

here's how i've got some X applications (xcalc, firestarter, etc) to
boot after *any* user logs-in through xdm, despite *whatever*
environment is chosen: kde, gnome, etc etc.

step 1: firestarter can only be run by the root. so i 'man visudo' and
added the relevant users to sudo firestarter without root password.

step 2: 'xhost +localhost' is required as a prerequisite to let
firestarter launch without displaying X display errors.

step 3: created a small shell script that does the above two steps for

step 4: dump this shell script, in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/

note: make sure the actual command to start your applications, such as
xcalc, firestarter, have the '&' appended to them, so they run as
background processes. not doing this has an intersting effect: i can
make a sophisticated pc log-in a user into runlevel5 and only run a dumb
calculator! not even the desktop, taskbar, menu, etc appears. a great
way to make a gnu/linux appliance.

i got the idea of dumping this script into xinitrc.d after poring
through the commands of the xsession script in /etc. i noted a part here
that goes to this directory and runs any scripts in this directory.

step 6: test your setup, log-in through various accounts, using KDE,
gnome, and what have you, and the applications will launch.

my sincerest thanks to the following people who responded generously and
patiently to my queries, (list in no particular order):
sandip bhattacharya, supreet, raj mathur, shuvam mishra, bhaskar dutta.

the above steps are a compilation of the various suggestions they

known limitations:
1) for any new user added to the computer, the root has to visudo and
add that person to the list of users of the root-password protected
firestarter. [applicable for other generic root-privileged applications
as well]

2) a user could simply close or quit this running application. wonder
how to respawn it or disable this ability.

3) raj recommended adding the application startup script in /etc/init.d.
noted that such a shellscript already exists in this directory, added by
firestarter's installation, and that does not work. raj's suggestion is
that doing so would no longer require sudoing and mucking around with
the sudeoers list.


for those who wish to create auto-run applications for a particular user
in a particular environment, here's what you need to do:

step 1: create a shell script that launches the required applications.

step2: place this script in the /home/whoever/.kde/Autostart/ directory.

note: if the user is using kde. you have to find similar places for
other environments.

thanks guys, for all your help, and hope others who wish to auto-run
applications can use the above steps.


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