Dear friends,
Our friend, Mr. Shuvam Misra's suggestion reg. FAQ may
be seriously looked into. Linux is such an ocean that
most of us are not very familiar with so many packages
and utilities, except the ones that are most common.
We somehow manage to install new things after quite a
bit of struggle. More over in our filed yesterdays
things are  obsolete  today and tomorrow they are
history. So concentrating on so many things is not
possible for anybody. This happens in every field
because of focus areas always take much of our time.
Hence it is better to have some FAQ's on difft.
categories of packages or utilities, so that one need
not reinvent the wheel. ( for ex. Mr. Shuvam says that
they have done some changes to C code to implement the
kindly give some serious thought.
-- seshagiri
--- Shuvam Misra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Please let me know about a good anti virus for
> linux that is freely
> > available for download. I will be thankful to you.
> Malkiat: check ClamAV.
> I've been on this list just a few months, and this
> question has already
> come up at least four times. Can we create a FAQ for
> ILUGD? And once we
> create it, can we members, as a matter of policy,
> point others to the
> FAQ if there's any query which is answered by it?
> A secondary advantage of this FAQ will be that it
> can also carry
> pointers, help, etc, which are not available in the
> standard
> documentation. I'll post another message in a bit,
> where I'll give you
> some idea of the problems we've faced with ClamAV
> and actual C code
> changes we've had to do. This knowledge currently
> stays within Starcom,
> and it would be useful if ILUGD or other lists could
> acquire this
> information in their resource archives. Also, not
> all Linux users are
> competent to study and change C code, so this will
> be value addition to
> the less technical members of this list who are
> sysadms.
> Just my 10 paise.
> Shuvam
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