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>>>>> "LL" == linuxlingam  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    LL> just saw this piece of news on newsforge. i wonder how does
    LL> this exploit potentially attack linux and unix users?

    LL> ***

    LL> Windows Vulnerability Could Lead To MSBlaster II
    LL> http://www.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=03/10/27/0353239

    LL>     Exploit code that takes advantage of a recent Microsoft
    LL> vulnerability is out in the wild and could prove as dangerous
    LL> as this summer's MSBlaster worm if attackers decide to focus
    LL> their efforts, security analysts said Friday. Released earlier
    LL> this week, the exploit code -- which has been crafted to run
    LL> not only on attackers' Windows machines, but also on Linux and
    LL> Unix boxes --crashes Windows systems not patched against a
    LL> vulnerability released last week. The vulnerability, which
    LL> Microsoft rated as 'Critical' when it released several
    LL> bulletins in its first-ever monthly patch roundup, is in the
    LL> Windows Messenger Service.  Not to be confused with Windows
    LL> Messenger, Microsoft's instant messaging platform, Windows
    LL> Messenger Service is used by applications to communicate with
    LL> each other, and often by enterprise network administrators to
    LL> alert users of such things as impending server shutdowns or
    LL> the unavailability of print servers.

I'd take the assertions about a single virus running on Winduhs, Linux
and Unix (what's that, anyway?) with large handfuls of salt.  The
author needs either substantiate his/her claim with references or,
more likely, go off the crack for a while.


- -- Raju
- -- 
Raj Mathur                [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://kandalaya.org/
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