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>>>>> "LL" == linuxlingam  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    LL> thanks guys for your inputs. just went and kicked and some
    LL> tyres on the pc, and started by switching off services not
    LL> needed, checked the swap was *equal* to the ram, felt shaky
    LL> about messing with swap size with someone else's installed and
    LL> running pc, and discovered its speed was better.

    LL> incidentally, in case swap must be doubled, what's the best
    LL> way of doing it, without reinstalling linux or other OSes on
    LL> the hard disk?

``swap double of RAM'' is a rather dated concept now.  You look at the
sort of apps you'll be running, the sort of response times you want
and the existing RAM and then decide swap.  If you're going to be
running large, interactive apps (graphical browsers, bloated e-mail
clients, OO, rendering software, etc) just add RAM: extra swap will
only slow down applications to the point of unusability.  OTOH if this
is a server then lots of swap will probably help, since you want the
box to keep functioning even in a RAM crisis situation.

BTW, my desktop:

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:        515708     494108      21600          0      64648     161392
- -/+ buffers/cache:     268068     247640
Swap:       265032     168660      96372

...and it runs just fine with swap == 1/2 RAM.


- -- Raj
- -- 
Raj Mathur                [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://kandalaya.org/
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