I dont know if you can resize the linux partitions without reinstalling
the linux again. I dont think there are any partition resizers for linux
as such.

On Tue, 2003-10-28 at 23:35, Raj Mathur wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> >>>>> "LL" == linuxlingam  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     LL> thanks guys for your inputs. just went and kicked and some
>     LL> tyres on the pc, and started by switching off services not
>     LL> needed, checked the swap was *equal* to the ram, felt shaky
>     LL> about messing with swap size with someone else's installed and
>     LL> running pc, and discovered its speed was better.
>     LL> incidentally, in case swap must be doubled, what's the best
>     LL> way of doing it, without reinstalling linux or other OSes on
>     LL> the hard disk?
> ``swap double of RAM'' is a rather dated concept now.  You look at the
> sort of apps you'll be running, the sort of response times you want
> and the existing RAM and then decide swap.  If you're going to be
> running large, interactive apps (graphical browsers, bloated e-mail
> clients, OO, rendering software, etc) just add RAM: extra swap will
> only slow down applications to the point of unusability.  OTOH if this
> is a server then lots of swap will probably help, since you want the
> box to keep functioning even in a RAM crisis situation.
> BTW, my desktop:
>              total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
> Mem:        515708     494108      21600          0      64648     161392
> - -/+ buffers/cache:     268068     247640
> Swap:       265032     168660      96372
> ...and it runs just fine with swap == 1/2 RAM.
> Regards,
> - -- Raj
> - -- 
> Raj Mathur                [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://kandalaya.org/
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