On Mon, 2003-11-03 at 05:50, LinuxLingam wrote:
> an application has a dependency on libsigc++.
> googled it, downloaded the tar.gz. extracted the folder, changed to
> root, navigated to the directory using cd, and issued the usual combo of
> ./configure
> make
> make install
> all okay.
> the original application still demanded libsigc++.
> curious, i did an rpm -qa libsigc++ and the shell came back
> empty-handed.
> duh!
> i actually re-ran the above ./configure make make install routine again,
> and again the rpm-qa did not show it.
> did an ls into /lib and found it does not exist there.
> what's going on?

If you want to take the tar.gz route then doing configure, make and make
install will NOT update your rpmdb. That will get updated only through
rpm -ivh *.rpm. If you dont want to do anymore work and use the existing
make install which you have already done then :-

1) run "updatedb"
2) run "locate libsigc"
3) Look through the locate output and see where the libs are installed.
Mostly /usr/local/lib.
4) If I am not mistaken at least true for RH systems "vi
/etc/ld.so.conf" will not have /usr/local/lib in it. Add a line to the
end of "/etc/ld.so.conf" containing "/usr/local/lib". If already present
don't bother jump to next step.
5)Save and exit and run "ldconfig"
6) Now try to configure or install whatever stuff you were trying to do
which needed the libsigc++

If you want to maintain your system in a nice "rpmey" fashion you again
have two options.

1) EASY way - Download from freshrpms.net already created rpm of


rpm -ivh *whatever* and you are on your way.

2) TOUGHER method (since this may fail to build sometimes depending on
some missing libs on your system) - if you look inside the source that
you downloaded and untarred there is a file called libsigc++.spec. This
is there so you can just download the tar.gz put it in any directory you
want cd to that directory and then run "rpmbuild -ta
libsigc++-1.2.5.tar.gz" This will generate all the required RPMS
compiled from source on your system. After this command has finished
executing abt 2 minutes "cd /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386" and do an ls
there and voila

[EMAIL PROTECTED] i386]# ls -1

So now you have all the RPMS install the first and you are on your way.

Whew that was a long mail. Hope it helps you out. Now work today so
hanging out on mailing lists....pathetic.


Arindam Dey

The mind is not a vessel to be filled
but a fire to be kindled.

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