On Tue, 2003-11-04 at 05:06, LinuxLingam wrote:
> > In that case the ldconfig way described by Arindam should have worked. 
> > Try running ldconfig in verbose mode( with -v option) and see if the 
> > libc++ library is displayed:
> >      ldconfig -v | grep sigc
> did this, here's the output:
> # ldconfig -v | grep sigc
>         libsigc-1.2.so.5 -> libsigc-1.2.so.5.0.5
>         libsigc-1.2.so.5 -> libsigc-1.2.so.5.0.5
> > 
> > Also show us:
> > 1. The exact RPM message which said libsigc++  was needed.
> # rpm -ivh k3d-
> error: Failed dependencies:
>         libsigc++ >= 1.2 is needed by k3d-

AFAIK this message is popping up because when you are trying to install
the k3d rpm it is just querying the rpmdb to check whether you have
libsigc installed or not.

Now you have two options..

The second one I feel is easier...and will maintain your system in a
nice "rpmey" fashion

1)Compile k3d from source and the ./configure script of that will pick
up the libsig in your pc. You may have to pass the LDFLAGS=-L/usr/***
option mentioned by Sandip. To do this you may also use the *.spec file
in the k3d source tree if it is there.So you can do rpmbuild -ta
k3d***.tar.gz. Not too sure about this though whether the spec file is
there in the k3d source tree???

2) OK just for ya I compiled the libsig from source and then installed.
using ./configure && make && make install. After this I did updatedb and
then ran locate libsig on my system. Surprisingly it DID NOT find
anything like that the "user" dir dunno why. Maybe you have played
around with the makefile or passed some other options to it during make

[EMAIL PROTECTED] i386]# locate user | grep libsig

The above is the ONLY output I got.

After doing this method of install I then did an rpmbuild -ta on the
libsig source tar.gz. Created the RPM and then did an "rpm -ivh
/usr/src/redhat/RPM/i386/libsigc++-1.2.5-1.i386.rpm" The RPM installed
without any problems . So go ahead follow the RPM route and then try and
install k3d from RPM everything should be fine.

> > 2. The list of files which has been installed in /usr/local/lib when you 
> > did "make install" while building libsigc++.
> > 
> this is under /usr/local/lib
> libsigc-1.2.a
> libsigc-1.2.la
> libsigc-1.2.so
> libsigc-1.2.so.5
> libsigc-1.2.so.5.0.5
> btw, i noticed something rather unusual, and tell me if this has
> something to do with the problem:
> i discovered a directory called /user/
> (note the spelling 'user' and not 'usr')
> in this i discovered two sub-directories:
> include   lib
> the contents of these directories as follows:
> # ls include
> sigc++-1.2
> # ls lib
> libsigc-1.2.a   libsigc-1.2.so    libsigc-1.2.so.5.0.5  sigc++-1.2
> libsigc-1.2.la  libsigc-1.2.so.5  pkgconfig
> wonder where all this came from, could it have been a typo by the
> developer who made the scripts for compiling libsigc++, or is this by
> design?
> ??
> LL
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Arindam Dey

The mind is not a vessel to be filled
but a fire to be kindled.

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