supreet wrote:

I do'nt actually get the point. RedHat has clearly stated the development of free version would continue. Fedora is the project name. Take a look at This actually means that U and I can contribute and have a distro which is "better" than what was produced by redhat.

This was a reasonable comment that I spotted against the redhat policy change.

The interesting part was:
   It would have also provided their Enterprise customers with ten-times
   the amount of testing of the core OS. This is not to be
   underestimated. Much as Linus renames a kernel from e.g. 2.5.79 to
   2.6.0-test1 when he wants (free!) wider testing, Red Hat now has a
   user base one-tenth the size to "test" their releases on. And
   problems that aren't caught in relase QA (many just can't be) will
   now HAVE to affect (high-)paying customers. There's no free users to
   take 90% of the falls.

I havent followed Debian till now. Does it still find a GUI step wise installation uncool? I have always wondered why Debian had to have a freebsd kinda installation process? A menu of things to do is so much confusing for lesser mortals who will keep forgetting (did i click on that option or did i not?) ... a step wise install ensures that all the essential work is done properly. The menu seems good AFTER the system is installed.

- Sandip

Sandip Bhattacharya              
sandip at
Puroga Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

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