> Just come to the open-air theatre in Dilli Haat.  There'll be a group
> of people who look kind of weird, most wearing computer-related

Specially look out for a penguine like looking guy, eating away his
samosas to glory, and googling on his cellphone, occasionally showing off
with some useless jargon - ask him if he;s Raj Mathur... join him if he
says "yes"...!

There's normally another highlight, with a decent enough built, quite a
developed beard (looks like a well dressed terrorist) showing his
palmasutra off...!  Ask him if he's the treasurer.  Join him if he says

Then you'd see a guy in a nice black turban, torn jeans, a
computer-related (black t-shirt), sayin something no one even wants to
understand, will have the words "python" and "anaconda" in every second
sentence... Ask him if he's Supreet Singh Sethi... Join him if he says

- prateek

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